romeo and juliet newspaper article

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17th January 2009

Verone Times

Yesterday, in Verona, in the hot hours of the afternoon, a fight
occurred ending in the murder of Mercutio by Tybalt.

Two gangs - the Montague’s and the Capulets - found themselves face to
face with each other in the streets of Verona. The two families are
well known because of their huge grudge against each other that has
been going on for years.

Why the fight broke out!

The reason, supposedly, for the fight was that there was an annual
masked ball of the Capulet and Romeo crashed it. A member of
Tybalt's family says they overheard a conversation where Tybalt said
he 'swore revenge against Romeo'.

Romeo, a Montague, Tybalt a Capulet mainly fought the fight, along
with a friend of Romeo's - Mercutio. When asked who started the fight
Benvolio answered, 'Tybalt, here slain, whom Romeo's hand did slay.'
Mercutio was the first man to be killed in this tragedy that started
as a hating between the families

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A little gossip for our ladies...

Capulets festa!
Last night, a party was organised by the Capulet family for the nobility and the beau monde. Of course, the Montagues were excluded from this reception. Lady Capulet graced the occasion and recounted some of it to me.
Servants rushed around preparing the auspicious evening, lighting torches and turning the tables up so all the fair women could dance, primp, and charm young eligible men.
Lord Capulet was in high spirits, and encouraged the ladies to take the dance floor.
Juliet, Capulets daughter, was seen being kissed by an unknown gentleman, ...

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This is only the basis of a piece of creative writing and it needs further development; it feels very short and unplanned and it needs to focus more on the description and language used to create the article. 3 Stars