Shakespeare's Macbeth - Act 2 Scene 2.

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Shakespeare’s Macbeth Coursework

Act 2 Scene 2

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is set in Scotland. It follows Macbeth’s transformation from a battle hero to a murderous tyrant. At the start of the play Macbeth feared evil and any consequences that would follow an act of immorality. He then met three weird sisters. He believed what they told him fate had planned for him. Being lead by the truth he found in the first of their predictions, he found himself thinking he would become king after King Duncan. In my chosen scene, act 2, scene 2, Macbeth’s original fear is demonstrated in his hallucinations after his immoral act of murdering King Duncan. Macbeth was never willing to kill the King, for he saw him as a virtuous man and a good ruler. However Macbeth was weak and allowed Lady Macbeth to convince him that murder was the only way to fulfil his destiny. The consequences of this murder follow later in the play as the couple are driven into madness and death.

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in Elizabethan times when people had a strong belief in the supernatural. It was thought that witches owned vile powers, could fly and allowed the devil to suck their blood. These beliefs are shown in the way Shakespeare has portrayed the weird sisters as witches, who purposely mislead Macbeth, bringing both him and Lady Macbeth to their deaths.

        In the Elizabethan times men were seen as the dominant sex, while woman played a more domestic role in society. In the play Lady Macbeth contradicts this expected role by having a large influence on her husband’s actions. Without his wife Macbeth would have been unable to follow any of his ambitions as Lady Macbeth represented the missing ruthlessness inside him.

When the play was first written and performed the cast would have been all men. Although I wish to keep this play as close to its original version I will use women alongside the men. I have decided to make this change mainly so Lady Macbeth’s power as a woman is emphasised. Everything else will be similar to Shakespeare’s version with both traditional costume and language used. Lady Macbeth’s dress will be pale coloured and will make her look, as most women were thought to be, innocent and powerless. This will follow the idea that she appears an innocent wife to Macbeth, but really is a powerful and manipulative character.

At the end of act 1 King Duncan had come to stay in Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth has seen this as a perfect opportunity to end this King’s reign, and for Macbeth to take over. Macbeth, powered by ambition, plans to murder the king. Act 2, scene 2 begins late at night with Lady Macbeth entering, awaiting to hear from Macbeth. She is waiting to find out whether he has completed the task of removing the king from his throne. She will be standing alone in a low-lit courtyard in Macbeth’s castle. It was in this courtyard that Macbeth had previously spoken to Banquo. The stage will be empty, apart from the character of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. This will help emphasize the solidarity of the pair as they secretly plan for the future.

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When Lady Macbeth enters onto the stage she will have no spotlight on her, as she would be aiming to stay in the shadows and not be noticed. The only light on the stage will be from fire torches, put high up on the wall, burning low outside King Duncan’s room, which is not visible from the stage. These will provide enough light for the audience to see the characters on stage and will also cast flickering shadows across the stage, adding to the tense, secretive atmosphere of the scene. These torches will be on one side only of ...

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