Shawshank redemption - review

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Andy Dufresne’s whole experience I believe is summed up in the very important quote that “crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side.”  This statement made by Red holds many different meanings. Andy Dufresne went through many hardships in “Shawshank” for a crime he never committed which is something no man should endure.

Andy Dufresne arrived at Shawshank with a very steely look in his eyes and a look of composure that was misconstrued as a type of arrogance or mentally weak attitude. Andy knew he didn’t belong at Shawshank and just by his body language he made himself a target to many of the inmates. Although Red picked Andy is his horse the fist time he saw him Red obviously didn’t think much of Andy and mistook his composure as a weakness and “looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over”. Andy then the had the Warden lay down the rules and then had Hadley beats down a prisoner that started the “shit” in prison and Hadley initiated them with “I believe in two things - discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.”

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Andy Dufresne witnesses the police brutality shown by Hadley throwing around his authority and as a ‘new fish’ has a break down Hadley severely beat him and that night dies waiting for medical attention in the ‘infirmary’. The guards heavy handed approach was one of the main hardships in prison when Andy didn’t have any favour he nearly got thrown off a building for questioning Hadley.  The police corruption in ‘Shawshank’ was definitely some of the ‘shit’ they had to endure when in prison. If you are not in favour with the guards or Hadley you will be in ...

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