She's Come Undone: Self Discovery

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Jamie Piacenza

Honors English 3

September 3, 2009

She’s Come Undone: Self Discovery

        She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb emphasizes how important self-discovery is in any person’s life. The main character, Dolores Price, is one who needs to find her true self. The epiphanies she has truly help Dolores to discover that person. The breaking points that she reaches and the people she meets along her journey to self-discovery help make Dolores stronger, as well as smarter.

The most important of those epiphanies is the time during which Dolores realizes that all of her failed relationships, such as the ones with her mother, father, Dante, and grandmother, are not only her fault. It takes two people to have a relationship, no matter whom it is with. She comes to love herself a little more, and blame herself a little less. Dolores also has a “subconscious” epiphany when she makes a phone call to her mother’s childhood best friend, Geneva, during a suicide attempt. This shows that she is crying out for help, crying out to be saved. Dolores feels alone, and as if she is the only one in the world who deals with issues she is going through, such as weight problems and broken relationships. To be able to reach out and try to point out that she is struggling, shows that Dolores is ready to receive the help she needs.

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The biggest part of Dolores’s self-discovery is her time spent in therapy with Dr. Shaw. After Dolores calls her, Geneva realizes that Dolores is in need of some serious guidance. She pays for therapy, where Dolores attempts to re-write her childhood with Dr. Shaw. He acts as Dolores’s mother, in hopes that by doing so, Dolores can see the way her childhood should have been. Dr. Shaw replaces the negative memories with positive ones, such as the memory of Dolores’s first period, and how her mother was upset at her for it. He helps her lose the weight she has ...

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