Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band was written in the 19th century.

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Wider Reading Assignment

Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band was written in the 19th century. You can tell this by the lack of modern things in the story. For instance in the first part of the story Sherlock Holmes says to Helen Stoner ’…and yet you must have had a good drive in a dog cart before you arrived’ and also Helen says ’I came in on the first train from Waterloo’ cars aren’t mentioned at all.

    Inn ‘Wrong Pigion however cars have well been invented. Planes have also been well invented. In the story they mention ‘Los Angeles International Airport’ Also another difference is that Helen Stoner lives in a big mansion she says that’ the manor house, as I have already said very old and only one wing is now inhabited ‘ Most houses don’t have wings. That proves that the house is very old.’

    On the other hand, however Ikky Rossenstein lives in a crummy apartment Marlowe calls it a dive, which proves it’s not very nice.

   In the Speckled Band People in higher social circles are let off with a lot more. You get the impression that if someone kept such dangerous pets as the cheetah and the baboon in the city where ‘Wrong Pigion’ is set the animals would be taken off them or the person would be sent to jail. Also if someone acted the way Roylott did they would be sent to jail also. For example towards the beginning of the story when Helen Stoner is explaining her predicament she says ‘ A series of disgraceful brawls took place’ now they wouldn’t be punished as much as somebody in the other story simply because Roylott would probably use his influence.

      Also people back in the time when the Speckled Band was written people seemed to be more racist than people of today are for example when Roylott kills his native servant he is only given a small prison sentence whereas if it had been a white person he probably would have gotten the death sentence. Also the people in the manor seem to be prejudiced towards the gypsies who have moved onto the plantation. When Helen was asked by her sister Julia about the whistling in the night Helen replied ‘it must be those wretched gypsies in the plantation’ this proves that they weren’t liked.

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           In ‘Wrong Pigeon people were probably just as racist because not that much will have changed in between the writing of the 2 stories, in that manner anyway. The book ‘Wrong Pigeon’ is written in a much more varied and possibly simpler way than ‘The Speckled Band’ because it is written for amuch more varied audience than ‘The Speckled Band ‘ simply because not as many people were educated at the time when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was writing books and couldn’t read.  Harder words are used in ‘The Speckled Band’ than in ‘Wrong ...

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