Should Cannabis Be Legalised?

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Should Cannabis Be Legalised?

Should cannabis be legalised? It has been a question people have been debating over for many of years. Each side of the debate has got lots of valuable points on their sides. Cannabis is not a relatively new thing there has been records of cannabis as far back as 2737 BC when cannabis was referred to as a superior herb in the world’s first medical text, shen nungs pen tsao in china. But it was not till 400 AD it reached Britain. Long time later cannabis was listed as a medicine in the USA. I am going to show in this coursework the fors and the against of the legalisation of cannabis.

The reasons people think cannabis should be legalised are because of medical and some people just want it to be legalised for fun as an alternative to alcohol. One of the many reason people believe it should be legalised is lots of mp, doctors, lawyers, high court judges and also the police it is not just all the junkies and people form poor areas! No it is every one though a lot of higher-class citizens would keep it a lot less profile. Also it is not physically harming as alcohol after you smoke a few joints you don’t go looking for a fight, you don’t piss all over a public street, no you are just more relaxed it is the perfect social drug. There are people saying that it is a gateway drug but there is no evidence to prove it people would probably use the easier available drug the first time but before people tried cannabis I bet they would have had a few fags are a few wickets but not a person is accusing alcohol are tobacco of being a gateway drug. Another reason is they are putting a booming business in the hands of criminals and who knows what they could be putting in the drug but if it was made legal we could clear out all the crap they put in it and make it pure. Around the western world all the cannabis laws strictly forbid smoking cannabis but the penalties are different. The UK has probably one of the harshest for it. Over in Holland the penalties are a lot less severe. There are not any criminal penalties you can be charged for. So there for there is cannabis cafes around the country it is now accepted there. Cannabis is also very could for treating some illnesses, like witch affects the joints of the body, it helps to relieve the pain of it but if it was legalised it is most likely to be in spray form so you do not get high on it.

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There are just as many bad points just as on their side of the debate. Most kids would think cannabis is a cool thing because it is illegal, and their parents would tell them not no do it. Another thing, which I believe matters is if you here reported deaths of cannabis because most kids are afraid to die so they would not take it. That’s why more people take cannabis than heroin because they have seen pictures of people dieing on it, or heard stories. Some people say that cannabis is a gateway drug but there is no ...

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