Should the monarchy be eradicated?

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Alex Aquilina 11MTO                                                                          

Should the monarchy be eradicated?

Should the monarchy be eradicated? People have started to say that there is no need for the monarchy after hundreds of years. I personally am all in favour of keeping the monarchy as they are surely a piece of British history and are a British icon that is known all over the world. For well over a thousand years we have benefited from their strength and presence and I think it would be a huge shame to get rid of them now. Most people are not patriotic anymore like they used to be.

First of all, they do a great service (especially the Queen in my opinion) to us all in attending thousands of functions and engagements every year. In these they represent the country and build relationships with many other countries.

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Another point is that monarchies today are becoming an increasingly rare thing and in that we still have ours we should be proud to be individual and different to other countries. These days all we seem to be are sheep as we keep following many European and North American countries in our actions and I think that this time it is time to make a stand.

Thirdly, the monarchy is the one point in British society that everyone can group together around in times of crisis. This has been the case for hundreds of years and I hope will ...

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