Show how Conrad gives an impression of the characters in the story from the way they speak, behave and are described.

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Show how Conrad gives an impression of the characters in the story from the way they speak, behave and are described.

Conrad gives the reader an impression of the characters of “The Secret Sharer“ by the way in which the narrator, Leggatt, the first mate, the second mate and captain Archbold speak, behave and are described. The author describes the two main characters (the narrator and Leggatt) as twin souls. This is emphasized by their similar physical appearance "dark head like mine"(page 21) and by the words of the narrator himself: "I had been face by my own reflection in the depths of a somber and immense mirror" (page 21). The way in which Leggatt and the narrator are closely related helps the reader understand the behavior of the captain because we understand why he helps Leggatt on board. With Leggatt and the captain being so similar the reader knows how one is feeling when the other is speaking.

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        Conrad gives the reader an impression of the character of the first mate by choosing adjectives such as "frightful" and "dominant" (page 14) in the description that describes him. The reader is also brought to think that the first mate does not accept authority easily by the way he speak: "he used to say, he 'liked to account to himself" (page 14). The reader also understand that the first mate does not trust others and always want to be informed on everything that happens by the way in which he reacts when he finds a scorpion ...

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