Show How Harper Lee PresentsThe Culture and Tradition of RacialPrejudice in Maycombs Society In "To Kill a Mockingbird"

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Zayn Mushtaq                English Coursework: To Kill A Mockingbird

English Coursework

Show How Harper Lee Presents

The Culture and Tradition of Racial

Prejudice in Maycombs Society

In “To Kill a Mockingbird”

        Racism is the prejudice of skin colour and the way in which Harper Lee shows racial prejudice in “To Kill a Mockingbird” is by taking the reader through various methods used by Maycombs society.

        The focal point presenting racial prejudice is channelled through the language used by Maycombs people. The common use of language such as “nigger lover” and “darkies” especially when used in front of children or, of all places, in a court of justice shows how casual and how lawful it is to say words of a racist nature. In today’s society if a person was caught saying words like “nigger” or even “darkies” they would most certainly be branded racist and could even face a jail sentence. However in the 1930s when “To Kill a Mockingbird” was set Harper Lee shows it was a way of life; it was seen as normal behaviour for racist remarks to be directed at African Americans.

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        The racial mannerisms of the adults clearly have a negative influence on the younger generation.  For instance you have Cecil Jacobs who attends the same school as Jem and Scout. Cecil Jacobs calls Atticus a “nigger lover” but he can not be entirely blamed for this as his home environment and upbringing breads racial prejudice which he is subsequently following. Then you have Mrs Dubose who says Atticus is “no better than the niggers and trash he works for!” This shows us how the older generation influences the young by saying racist remarks in their presence making the young people ...

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