Show How Much Macbeth Changes

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Show How Much Macbeth Changes Throughout The Play


Macbeth deals with many themes including Kingship, the supernatural, ambition and the nature of evil. However, its major theme is the nature of tragedy; where some fatal flaw in the character of the central figure, be it pride, greed, lust, ambition, leads to that figures downfall. Macbeth of course, is a major tragic figure and this essay will plot the rise and fall of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and attempt to give reasons for their demise.

The play was probably first produced at Hampton Court in 1606 in front of King James. It contained many matters known to interest him such as demonology, the divine nature of Kings and the notion of rightful succession. It would no doubt have satisfied the King to see evil failing to succeed and the divine rights of Kings (Duncan's rightful heir, Malcolm being crowned at the end) upheld.

At this time there was also a terrifying witch mania that sprang up especially during the reign of Elizabeth 1st. therefore, Elizabethan audiences would have understood how powerful the witches might have been as far as Macbeth was concerned. James 1st wrote a treatise on witchcraft in 1957 called Demonology so the subject was considered important from the top to the bottom of society.
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At the beginning of the play Macbeth possesses many qualities of a great man: gentle kindness, justness, obedience to God and King, truthfulness, and definitely loyalty and courage. He deserved to be called `brave` and `a worthy gentleman` because he chopped the head of an enemy and fixed his head on King Duncan's battlements. The first witch greeted Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, his title. The second witch greeted him as Than of Cawdor, because she was prophesising this title would be given to him. The third witch said that he would be King. Soon after this Macbeth ...

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