Shylock's Diary

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Shylock’s Diary

  • The Other Side Of The Story

Tejal Vora 10W

A memorable day it was today. That Bassanio fellow approached me and claimed he was there to borrow money from me. Me, a Jew? Bassanio had to be desperate and I could read his face, so much tension and worry. In my head I figured it could not be a large sum as Bassanio was known for his extravagant spending habits, however, as he mentioned that the sum would be 3000 ducats but in Antonio’s name, my face seemed to light up. Antonio, that Christian scoundrel, the same man that spat on me. He humiliated me in public and he resents my religion. Antonio had called me a dog, a sinner and now he chooses to come to me in his time of need. I took advantage of this situation and placed Antonio at my mercy.

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At first I simply mocked Bassanio and repeatedly stated the details of the bond: 3000 ducats for 3 months and the fawning publican Antonio bound, over and over again I stated it in a manner that grew more condescending each time. I thought out loud and put emphasis on the dangers that ships entail such as the treacherous winds and the pirates, after all it would not be the first time that a merchant’s ships and fortunes were lost to the all too brutal seas. As imagined, Bassanio did not take kindly to my words of fret.

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The title "Shylock's Diary" does not give much guidance on the scope of the task. Here we are given one excerpt from this fictional diary, Shylock's version of the making of the original bond and his thoughts and feelings about it. As such, this makes for an essay that is quite short for a GCSE submission. Either this excerpt could be expanded, or a further excerpt could be written, taking an episode from later in the play. However, the essay-writer enters very convincingly into the role of Shylock, fitting his thoughts neatly into the events of the first Act of the play. Paragraph construction is skillfully-managed and the sometimes abbreviated sentence construction is appropriate for informal diary entry. The standard of writing overall would merit 5 stars if the essay were extended to, say, 1,000 words or more. 4 stars