Slumber Of Antagonism

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Daniel Kelly 11.MGO

Slumber Of Antagonism

A cold autumn breeze glided through the half open window. The icy wave travelled down the long dark room, caressing the walls before fading into nothingness. Not a light in the whole city house was alight. A deep darkness had settled in; and only the moon provided the slightest glint of light.

        In the room, beyond the darkness were a large single bed, bedside table, two large wooden units. A bookshelf and a wardrobe, with a large white furry rug smothering a royal blue carpet, The moon light just seeped through a small crack in the curtains. The light crept up the carpet, almost reaching the bed before a gentle breeze closed the curtains. Then the whole process repeated over.

        The lifeless body in the bed was lying in an awkward position. One arm was under his back, the other behind his head. His legs were crossed and his head thrown back. He was neither tall nor particularly short. His hair was of average length, and was left looking very scruffy. His face had a very disgruntled and confused look upon it as if he were figuring out a complex equation. He mumbled and a large grin appeared and he was left in a state of deep slumber, dreaming…

        …The road was dark up ahead and the cats’ eyes stared back at the driver. He sat up right and alert in the soft, comfortable car seat. The suit he wore was smart with a very faint pinstripe running down from his collar to his ankles. His hands were positioned perfectly, one on the large black steering wheel, the other on the gear stick.

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        The atmosphere inside the car was warm and pleasant due to the car’s heating, but on the outside a bitterly cold frost covered the dead, still picture of leaves lying on an autumn floor. Trees and shrubs lined the long curling road and only the sound to be heard was the purring car engine running down the country road.

        As the road straightened up, the car gained speed but hitting a small patch of ice in the road caused the tyres of the car to lose their grip. The now panicking driver was frantically trying to regain control ...

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