Smoking. I feel that there should be laws against smoking. Right now there are laws against buying them.

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In this essay am going to be talking about smoking and my opinions on this topic, I hope that this speech explains why you should disagree with smoking.

I feel that there should be laws against smoking. Right now there are laws against buying them. You have to be 21 to buy cigarettes. But my question is if you have to be 21 why do people under 21 have possession of cigarettes? We all already know that smoking is bad for you. On the news all the time they have something about smoking and why it is so bad for you. Even on the cigarette box there is a message about what smoking can do to you, and this message is saying that Cigarettes are hazardous to your health. But still millions of people are smoking.

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I see it like this... If they put a label on a cigarette box saying "These will eventually kill you" people will still smoke it. We all know the dangers of smoking, why not put a law out to make it illegal?

I think the reason people do not comprehend that smoking is so bad for you, is because they are already addicted and they don’t care what it does to them. But if the law made it illegal to sell them, then many people would not have access to cigarettes. So they could not smoke and millions of ...

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The Quality of Written Communication (QWC) is average, but not indicative of the standard requirement or expected at GCSE level. There is frequent comma splice when the requirement punctuation point is a full stop, and there are sporadic moments where capital letter are used randomly when they are not required. This must be seen to before candidates hand their work in, because work like this is only hindered by a poor QWC that can easily be rectified.

The candidate shows a number of indicators of someone working at a low B grade for GCSE. There are many persuasive techniques used by this candidate that are effective (statistics, Second Person address), however, I would have liked to see a more considerate counter-argument to those that have become addicted to smoking cigarettes. Stating that only 3% of people that are addicted are successfully in quitting is shooting yourself in the foot, as the candidates' entire argument becomes null and void to those that already smoke (the intended audience for this piece), and because those that don't smoke won't need to read this argument, the candidate has alienated all chance of their own success. TO make sure this doesn't happen in the future, it is recommended that the candidate thinks logically about the statistics they provide (whilst it is not a requirement that they are fact, they must be rational).

This is an essay response to a Writing to Persuade task. The candidate is persuading cigarette smokers from becoming addicted to a habit that can potentially kill. It's a sound enough argument, and the candidate makes a good use of persuasive techniques like statistics (though the statistics themselves may need altering) and alternatives to smoking. It would be better if this candidate had chosen a more effective counter-argument and realised the addictive qualities of smoking cigarettes - they don't even mention nicotine. And a lot of their reasoning and accusations against the government not enforcing a law against smoking is extremely infeasible. Feasibility is imperative for any Writing to Argue/Persuade/Advise task as it not only shows an awareness of the intended audience, it shows examiners an ability to think rationally and logically.