Stone Cold Critical Esaay

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Stone Cold

‘Stone Cold’, by Robert Swindells is an award winning children’s novel that tells the story of sixteen-year-old Link, who lives on the streets of London. In this essay, I will illustrate how Swindells effectively portrays the struggles and difficulties that face homeless people today.

After fleeing a violent family home, Link finds himself in London. For one week he rents a bed-sit while he searches for work but no where will take him on, and soon he finds himself sleeping rough. Link finds life on the streets very hard but it becomes more bearable when he finds a friend in Ginger. However, when Ginger goes missing Link and his new friend Gail don’t think much of it - People move on. More homeless people go missing and the two friends become anxious. They track down the killer – an ex-sergeant – and the police arrest him. Link finds out that Gail is a journalist and she leaves him with only a few bank notes.

The novel has two narrators and is told in the first person. Link and Shelter don’t meet until the end of the book, but their stories interweave throughout the whole novel. One thing that Swindells does well is to show the personalities and feelings of the characters – particularly Link and Shelter – very well. The author uses the metaphor:

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       “I was poised at the top of a downward spiral,”

to show how vulnerable Link feels and how he feels that the only way his life can go is down. It shows he is depressed and pessimistic and that he thinks there is no escape from the vicious circle that is homelessness. Link has no self-esteem anymore and feels invisible to passers by. This shows when he says:

     “People passed by continuously but nobody glanced my way.                                


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*** 3 Stars This is a very well written essay which explores the main problems that those sleeping rough have to face. The quotes are well selected throughout and support comments made by using PEE effectively. In places the language used in the quotes needs to be analysed more effectively. Brief but effective summary.