Talking Heads

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Wednesday, 31 January 2007 Philip Partridge English

Talking Heads - Who do I feel the most sympathetic towards?

In the following essay I shall attempt to explain two characters from the Talking Heads monologue written by Alan Bennet.

The characters in question are Irene Ruddock, and Graham. The question posed is who do I feel the most sympathy for. I shall start by giving a brief sketch on the two characters.

Irene Ruddock leads a lonely life of little existence. She spends all of her time

writing off letters of complaint and making assumptions about other people that are completely wrong. The way in which she is portrayed by the author comes across to one, as if she is a depressed state of mind.

The author gives the impression that Irene leads a sheltered life, one that is free of any emotion and empathy for others, and that she hasn't learnt about the outside world with reference to swear words and bad language and about the opposite sex.

In order to maintain her equilibrium and to make up for what she lacks she spends most of her time snooping around other peoples lives and making them a misery. It is due to this "clam shell" life style, that she doesn't have many friends.
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Because of all her poison letters that Irene has been writing she gets a knock on the door one day from two Police Officers wishing to question her. We learn that she has previously been bound over by the Courts, and due to her continued offending the officers have come to with a warrant for her arrest.

She ends up in prison, and it is ironical that while she was outside of prison in the free world she felt enclosed and a prisoner, yet as a prisoner in a jail she actually finds her freedom, teaching ...

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