Technology - Debate Coursework

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Does technology create more problems than it solves?

In how many ways are people connected to the world? Think about any item that would allow you to communicate to any other person in this room. With the internet, email, instant messaging and mobile phones we have increased tenfold our ways to keep in touch and we can communicate with more people, more often, and more easily. But by communicating through technology, are we communicating less effectively?

This issue of ineffective communication is ever present in working life too. Despite spending fortunes on internal communications, major companies are still fighting our techno-obsessed culture. When members of staff persist in emailing a colleague who sits two seats away, we lose the chance to smile at each other and settle for email with a smiley face instead. So when we eventually have to talk to others face to face we tend to not include words which would be considered ‘too long’ to type. I have even heard shortened words such as LOL used in real conversation! Would it take a longer amount of time just to laugh out loud instead?

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Another argument is that this technological language is improving our creativity or even language as a whole. The advocates of this view are sadly mistaken. Creative as it may be, butchering and distorting language will never result in improving it. Some parts may even be forgotten - such as the all important aspect of grammar - which is brilliantly described in the joke about a panda that enters a restaurant, orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. The reason: according to the wildlife manual that he carries he is supposed to ...

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