Tess Is Only Partly To Blame For Her Own Tragic Decline. Powerful External Pressures, Social, Environmental and Supernatural Drive Her Inexorably Towards Her Cruel Fate - Agree or disagree.

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I definitely agree with the above comment. From the beginning of the novel ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy, it is clear that the main character, Tess, is not going to have an easy life. She is deliberately targeted by cruel “Immortals” as their sadistic plaything. This is symbolized during the club dance, where Tess is “one of the white company” but is the only one to have a bright “red ribbon” in her hair. The mark of blood is on her from the start. Whilst Tess is going to market she accidentally kills the family’s horse. Her own guilt for this accidental death is the first stage in a long series of incidents leading to Tess’s tragic death at the end of the novel.

          Social and environmental pressures rank high on the list of causes of Tess’s tragedy. In the late 19th century there were many changes taking place in rural England. The advances achieved as a result of the Industrial Revolution meant that even in the countryside farming was becoming mechanized and there were fewer manual labour jobs for the simple peasant people to do. This meant many people had to leave their town where they had spent most of their lives to go and find work. So, for example, the Durbeyfields’ departing from Marlott after the death of “Sir John”, was only part of a greater rural upheaval.  

          Tess’s search for work to make up for the loss of her family’s horse led her to the sinister and blatantly predatory Alec d’Urberville who she initially thought was a relative. The sexual double standards typical of late Victorian society were also clear at this point. Females who sinned paid a much higher social price for their mistakes. But Tess did not want to sin – she was pressurised into it by the evil d’Urberville and also by her own mother. Joan Durbeyfield, Tess’s mother, deliberately dressed her up to emphasise her womanly features and therefore make her sexually attractive to Alec. Tess at this stage was “a mere of vessel of emotion untinctured by experience” and she did not know how evil men could sometimes be. She was almost like an attractive piece of bait, used to lure a wealthy young to marry into the Durbeyfield Family and restore them to their previous aristocratic status. Joan Durbeyfield did not care about her daughter’s morals – she  felt that if d’Urberville “didn’t marry her afore, he would after”.

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          Tess is seduced by Alec and taken advantage of, and as a result she is seen as a social outcast. At the time of her seduction or rape, Tess had been rescued from the aggressive Car D’arch and was emotionally and physically tired after the persistent chase by Alec. The sad result that she became pregnant as a consequence of this sexual liaison with d’Urberville is a further suggestion that her cruel fate is all planned in advance by merciless gods.

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