Tess of the d'urbervilles

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Liv Gell

GCSE Prose Study: “Tess of the D’Urbervilles”

Hardy’s provocative subtitle for “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” is probably more acceptable to a modern reader than it was to his fellow Victorians, even though he worked hard to convince them of her purity.  

To what extent, if at all would you as a modern reader agree with this view of the novel?

‘Tess of the D‘Urbervilles’ was a highly controversial novel when it was first written by Thomas Hardy- who, after much effort and exertion, finally had it published in 1891. It has proven to be one of Hardy’s most distressing tales of rural troubles, spoiled only slightly by the debate it caused in the Victorian era; over its blunt treatment of sex and its cynical view of life.

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The main character, Tess, is the daughter of the poor John Durbeyfield who learns from the village parson that his family is related to ancient aristocracy, being the last of the family the ‘D’Urbervilles’. In trying to make use of this connection, Joan (John’s wife) suggests that Tess pursue the son of the local family of Mrs D’Urberville and due to the death of the needy family’s horse while under her control, Tess obliges and ends up being employed as the poultry keeper for her wealthy old relation. However, it is presently acknowledged that Mrs D’Urberville has simply taken the ...

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