"The Ancient Mariner".

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The poem was written in structured verses and contained a balanced amount of rhyme in each verse. It contained nineteenth century ideas about superstition and death which made it more similar to the novel, but only had one plot with one main character.

The story of “The Ancient Mariner” is set at sea and is about a man who was punished because he offended nature

In the Rime of the Ancient Mariner his imagination seems to think up some supernatural occurrences.  When he sees life and death play a game to see what will happen to him, “ Are these her ribs through which the sun, did pear as through a grate? And is that women all her crew?  Is that a death? And are there two?  Is death that women’s mate?  Her lips were red her looks were free he locks were yellow as gold her skin was as white as leprosy.  The nightmare life-in-death was she, who thicks man’s blood with cold.  The naked hulk alongside came and the twain were casting dice; the game is done! I’ve won! I’ve won! Quoth she and whistles thrice.”  Death and life-in-death have diced for the ships crew and she won the Ancient Mariner, in other words he stayed alive and he had to carry on with life.

Later on he sees the dead men rising, “I woke and we w from essaybank.co.uk ere sailing on, as in a gentle weather twas night calm night, the man was high the dead men stood together, all together on the deck, far a charnel-dungeon filler, all fixed on me their stony eyes, that in the moon did glitter, the pang, the curse, with which they died had never passed away: I could not draw my eyes from theirs, nor turn them up to pray.  And now the spell was snapped: once more I viewed the ocean green and looked far forth yet little saw of what had else been seen.”  Finally the curse was broken after he was able to pray and sleep the boat can carry on.  This is brought on by him killing an albatross which is seen as a superstitious element of luck.

  Supernatural nowadays is less influential than fifty years ago.  Also apparently the Author who wrote the Rime of the Ancient Mariner was taking drugs while writing it. This could explain the whole supernatural story line. 

 In the Rime of the Ancient Mariner the Mariner has to be evil to kill the Albatross, an omen of good luck, which is very evil to the rest of the crew as well as to himself.  Also death and life were evil as they played with a person’s life and his emotions.  It was unfair to do it in his mind and they were obviously more evil than anyone in the World.

 It is obvious that the Rime of the Ancient Mariner is very supernatural, almost too supernatural, as people of our time cannot relate to it. 

In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the author uses the story of a sailor and his adventures to reveal aspects of life. This tale follows the Mariner and his crew as they travel between the equator and the south pole, and then back to England. The author's use of symbolism lends the work to adults as a complex web of representation, rather than a children's book about a sailor.

First, in the poem, the ship symbolizes the body of man. The ship experiences trials and tribulations just as a real person does. Its carrying the Mariner (symbolizing the individual soul) and crew shows that Coleridge saw the body as a mere vessel of the soul. This symbol of a boat is an especially powerful one, because one steers a ship to an extent, yet its fate lies in the hands of the winds and currents.

Secondly, the albatross symbolizes Christ. Just as the Mariner senselessly slays the bird, man crucifies Christ whose perfection is unchallenged. Even though Christ represents mankind's one chance at achieving Heaven, man continues to persecute Him. The albatross symbolizes the sailors' one chance at deliverance from icy death and the Mariner shoots him.

Thirdly, the South Pole symbolizes Hell. No visible wind blows the unfortunate crew toward the South Pole. Rather, an unseen force pulls them there. Such is the case when the world's temptations lure one to Hell. Just as the sailors approach far to close to this icy purgatory, their Redeemer, the albatross, or at least his spirit, leads them safely back in the right direction.

Fourthly, in the poem England symbolizes Heaven. When the Mariner first sees his country, a great sense of hope and joy overcome him. At the point when the Mariner is about to enter Heaven, the body, symbolized by the ship, must die. For this reason, the ship sinks. When the Pilot and his boy see the ship sinking, they go to retrieve the Mariner, just as angels retrieve a newly departed soul and carry it to Heaven.

In conclusion, without the intricate symbolism presented in Rime of the Ancient Mariner, one is left with a meaningless children's story. By representing the aspects of salvation with concepts of the sea, Coleridge makes his message of repentance and humility easier to understand.

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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834) 

Type of Work:

Lyrical fantasy ballad


A sailing ship traveling the seas; late Medieval period

Principal Characters

The Ancient Mariner, a sailor-storyteller
The Wedding Guest, a listener
The Ship's Crew
The Allbatross, a symbolic representation of God's creatures - and Man's guilt
The Hermit, a rescuer representing God

Story Overview

(Coleridge introduces his tale by describing an old gray-headed sailor who approaches three young men headed for a wedding celebration and compels one of them, the groom's next-of-kin, ...

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