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The armed man waited patiently behind some shrubbery which shivered with the strong wind. He put his bag beside him. The killer was wearing black jeans and a black sweatshirt. His face was covered with a balaclava and his hands with black leather gloves.

Large black, gloomy clouds covered the sky. Rain was pouring down like cats and dogs. The rumble of a thunder shocked him keeping him alert. To pass time, he tried to light a cigarette struggling to keep it alight from the pouring rain.  Cupping his hands, he managed to get one started but to have it put out by the rain. He swore in anger and tried again. Calming himself, he focused on what he had to do. He lifted his sniper rifle out of his bag and sighted it to the main wooden entrance of the mansion.

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The mansion was made of dull grey bricks with ivy climbing and clinging to the walls. The large garden was full shrubbery, water features and statues. The face of the mansion was lit up by the lights shining up on it giving it a gold glow. A high hedge surrounded the mansion and the garden. The mansion loomed over a dark gloomy wood and at night it looked very spooky. Along side the mansion were five garages. A long dusty road came up from the main road which led up to the gates of the mansion.

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