The audience first encounters the character of Lady Macbeth in act1, scene 5,

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        Danielle Llewellyn 11o

Coursework-GCSE                      Lady Macbeth

The audience first encounters the character of Lady Macbeth in act1, scene 5, while she is reading the letter sent to her by her husband, in the letter Macbeth describes the meeting with of the three witches, and them predicting the fact that he is going to be ‘Thane of Cawdor’, we can tell from the letter the closeness of relationship, Lady Macbeth and her husband have as he addresses Lady Macbeth as;

my dearest partner of greatness”, that thou mightest not lose the dues of rejoicing”.

From then on in the play, she shows herself to be ambitious, and mentally strong. As soon as she reads the letter, she seems to decide that Macbeth will be the next Scottish King, and fulfil the witches’ prophecy, no matter the method. This proves that Lady Macbeth is the driving force behind Duncan’s murder. She realises that she must influence Macbeth against his better nature. It seems as though Lady Macbeth, can see her husband’s weak points, and can change him, to be whatever she wants him to be. Lady Macbeth makes an impression on Macbeth that is not all good, because even though Macbeth can be ambitious, he is not ruthless enough.

We can tell how determined Lady Macbeth is, by the way in which she says;

   “And chastise with the valour of my tongue

    All that impedes thee from the golden round”

It is as though she is going to persuade Macbeth with her words, and uses her words as a charm. She is startled by this news, and so calls on the evil spirits to change her and lose her femininity.

“Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,” She is calling on the spirits, to give her murderous thoughts, and make herself have no sympathy for humanity at all, and make her have no human feelings, and wants to lose her femininity. Lady Macbeth is trying to rid her conscience, and empty her mind of remorse and pleads to be filled with ‘direst cruelty’. She needs to have power to help her through this time, it seems as though she probably would not be able to cope with the fact that she is trying to get her husband to commit a murder. When calling on the spirits she speaks her thoughts aloud, to the audience, this is known as a soliloquy, an example of this is at the start of her speech, beckoning the evil spirits to come forth she says;

                  “That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan

                     Under my battlements”

Macbeth, then arrives home, when he does so, we find out how close Lady Macbeth and Macbeth actually are, she seems to be able to read him like an open book. She is already starting to try and change Macbeth by the way that she says;

                       “To beguile the time,

                       Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,

                      Your hand, your tongue; look like the innocent

                      Flower, but be the serpent under’t”

Lady Macbeth, is trying to make her husband hide her feelings, she thinks that people can read him like a book, if they can do that, then it is likely that they will find out if Macbeth has killed Duncan, and she does not want that to happen. This also shows how in control Lady Macbeth  “You shall put this nights great business into my dispatch”, Macbeth seems to have absolute confidence in her ability to plan the murder. Her awareness of his character is shown, in this paragraph. It also shows how deceiving and devious she can be. She is going to take control of the whole situation, and make sure that Macbeth carries out his deeds, but Macbeth seems undecided, he seems to hesitate, at the thought of killing the king he sharply explains   “We will speak further”. But Lady Macbeth does not hesitated at all, she seem to be anxious to be the Queen, and states how

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“To alter favour ever is to fear,

Leave the rest to me”, Even though the male usually takes the stronger approach to everything, in this relationship we can tell that Lady Macbeth is definitely the dominating person, and tells Macbeth exactly what to do, when he hesitates she tells him that he is weaker if he doesn’t proceed with her plans.

When King Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s home, Lady Macbeth has already thought up a plan, to get rid of him. Duncan seems to feel very at home in the Macbeth household at says “This castle hath a pleasant seat; ...

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