The Badness Within Him - Short Story Analysis

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Short Story Assignment

The Badness Within Him

By Susan Hill

1.  Setting


The story takes place in the summerhouse that Cols family owns but the time can be divided into three parts – childhood, present (before father’s death) and uncertain future (after father’s death).  

  1. Page 58, paragraph 11, “He remembered how great the distance had seemed as he jumped from rock to rock on the beach, how he has scarcely been able to stretch his legs across and balance.”  This sentence describes the beach.  
  2. Page 63, paragraph 1, “People only spoke of baths and hot drinks and telephone messages, scarcely looking at one another as they did so, and the house was full of strangers moving from room to room.”  This sentence describes the summerhouse they live in.

The setting directly creates the initial climax for the story in which the narrator is speaking from.  It also connects with the protagonist’s character development through his adolescence.

2. Character

The protagonist is Col, an adolescent who is transiting from a young kid to an adult.

i. The author does not have any documentation on what she thinks about her character although I can predict that this character maybe an inspiration from her childhood.

ii. Jess, his sister who is a few years older than he is may perceive him to be a bit immature. She used to be close to Col when they were younger children but she does not want to play with him anymore.  This can be acknowledged when Jess builds sandcastle for Fay’s (Cols eldest sister) baby this time and not for Col. He jealously destroys the castle making her sister (Jess) angry.  Jess had already passed through adolescence and now has learnt to fit into the world of grown-ups.  

iii. Col always reflects on himself as ‘being badness’.  The last paragraph signifies this, “finally he knew the power of the `Badness within him`”.  He feels violent (page 56, paragraph 7, “He wanted to do some violence in this house – he hated his family”)

iv. When push comes to shove, Col acts aggressively towards his feelings when he is face with any melancholy. An example could be when he sees his close sister Jess making a castle for his big sisters baby instead of him and feels jealousy and rejection when they don’t include him in the play.  

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After Cole destroys the sandcastle Jess had been building for the baby, Because of the incident and Jess’s words (pg 60, Para 5, “I hate you.”) he is filled with remorse (pg 60, Para 7, “I am filled with evil, there is no hope for me. For he felt himself completely taken over by the badness within him.”)  

Cole can be describe as a consistent character from the present to the future in the story as a person with a very negative low self-perception and self-esteem. He consistently believes that his prayers ...

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