The beast - the novel "Lord of the Flies" Golding

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The beast

Throughout the novel “Lord of the Flies” Golding uses many objects or characters in the island to represent ideas or actions in the real world. For example, the conch, that represents order and democracy, Piggy, that represents knowledge and morality, the scar, that represents man’s destruction, and an infinite list. However, there is one important symbol in spite of the fact it is not a physical object: the beast.

The beast represents the way people will make something outside themselves evil, so that within them the image stays good. It can also represent paranoia and fear. This allows people to avoid the responsibility of looking inside themselves, but to look for something traditionally symbolic towards evil, such as snakes, the “beastie”, the Lord of the Flies, which is in fact just part of imagination and fear.

The first day, a “little boy with a mulberry-coloured birthmark” talks about a dangerous presence in the island, a “beastie” that he apparently saw the night before. By this point in the novel, it is clear that the younger boys were troubled with this “beastie”. The beast had no physical appearance, as it seemed the smaller boys were over-reacting to their imagination. Soon, it became evident that even the older boys had begun to wonder if some sort of beast really existed.

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The first development of the beast between the boys starts with Jack and the hunters. This occurs when the hunters begin to kill not because of need, but simply because of the rituals and the action of killing. As Golding describes once, Jack isn’t entirely satisfied by the hunting of pigs, but still carries on doing it. It is necessary to understand that Jack felt the need to kill pigs, even thought there was enough food supply in the island. By this point, we could say that the evil inside of Jack started to emerge, having the need to ...

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