The big fat Bully

Authors Avatar by gabbykleim (student)


                                              The Bully

I was scared. The threat was real, very real. I can see him even now. George the big fat bully. For months  I watched him and his cronies pick o younger boys,

separating them from their friends and beating them up.  I knew what they were doing, so did everyone else at school. We were all equally guilty. Guilty as George and

his fellow friends. We should have stood up to them... But we didn't. The longer we stood back and accepted their behaviour, the stronger they became.

One winter's morning big George and his friends loomed out of the fog, they walked aggressively towards me and formed a semi circle.

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''Jaime you four eyed toad'', the bully said ''It's your turn.''

Such simple words, so much unsaid... But I didn't need any further information. I'd seen others after their 'turn'. It hadn't been a pretty sight.

Tactics were usually the same: two holding while George harmed the victim with his meaty fists.  The unfortunate person would lie on the ground in agony.

To say I was scared, would be a huge understatement. I was petrified. The fog swirled around, isolating us.  I sweated in this cold air, knowing what was waiting for me.


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