Averting attention had always been far too easy for Deft. Imperial transponder codes, too easy to attain, to forge... or have forged. "Commander Derivan, you have permission to proceed to sector 478. Please sir, do be careful, it is a savage world.", the comm officer pleaded.


"Thank you for your concern officer, it is duly noted.", Deft arrogantly replied as he steered his Oppressor towards the planet. The small clearing was easy to see through the lush vegetation. He would owe the Captain for yet another favor. It was of no true concern to him however, he already owed him far more than he could probably ever repay.


The lush surrounding vegetation violently shook as he touched down. Switching off the power, the whine of the generator slowly quelled, Deft stepped from the vessel, wearing only his robes under a black cloak, wielding his newly crafted lightsaber.


The visions were weaker now, more distant. His thoughts were clearing. He began his trek through the dense jungle. Somehow, even after all this time.... Yinchorr felt inviting.


The rocks around him hovered carefully in place. "You must feel it move within you.", the small pyramid shaped holocron had instructed. The instruction was efficient. He was coming along quickly. The rocks began to swirl around him... slowly at first, then gradually faster.... and faster still, until they were but blurred images of themselves. Deft's eyes closed with a cold determination as his head lowered slightly, focusing himself. The air seemed to hiss as the rocks spun violently around him.


Images flooded his mind. Pale blue eyes, familiar, cold, callous. "You drove her away.", the voice hissed. Pale blue eyes, calling to him distantly. "Why didn't you come?", the new, softer voice implored. Pale blue eyes, exploding into blue flames. The flames faded to green. Deft felt himself pulled across the galaxy. Dathomir, a famliar place, once, home.


The elder stood over the cauldron, her arms flailing in the air as she spoke her incantation. Spinning on her heal, her cold green eyes met with Deft's. "You only think you have won Deriun." All he could see were the eyes. All he could hear, the roar of the flames. But no longer were they the Elders. Rosalyn gazed back at him. "Why have you foresaken me?", her pained voice begged.


Blackness. Void.


A gentle hand reached out to him.... but he couldn't grab it, couldn't hold it, touch it. It slipped, further and further into the darkness.




"GASP!", The rocks had flown wildly out of control, and found themselves crashing into a nearby tree, the sound, pulling Deft from his vision. Even now, none of it seemed to make sense. He had come here for answers, but was only finding more questions.


Training had been difficult. The holocron seemed to guide him with exercises intended to push a man beyond humanity. Deft yawned as it rambled on about running with the force, he had no interest in learning to be a coward. This wasn't helping the way he had hoped. He threw holocron in his pack. I've had enough of that. His red saber ignited, and he rushed off into the woods.


For a fleeting moment, Deft succumbed to his youthful urges. As he ran through the foliage, he cut down branches, nicked rocks. Faster and faster, leaving a wake of mild destruction in his path. The trail of smoke and destruction, came to an abrupt halt. Deft stood, silently, watching out over the open field he had come to.


"I do", the words rolled so easily off of her lips. Deft had honestly never thought he'd see her again. The day she married Martyn, a piece of him had died. Then he saw the Watchtower, sitting high above Penumbra. "I am hearing rumor that there is to be an arranged marriage Deft.", her words cut him.

Join now!


"My dear, I would never allow such.", the words caused the air to stiffen, silent for a fleeting moment, "If we were to wed, it would be because we love each other.", Deft stepped in, kissing her for the first time. The kiss, her hands at his back..... they burned. Seering pain raged through him, coursing through his veins. He dropped to the ground, in utter agony. His scream echoed through the empty field. Then, he saw her, shackled to a grate, dangling over a flame, flickering between green and blue hues. Was this a vision of things to ...

This is a preview of the whole essay