The Characters of Jaggers and Orlick in "Great Expectations".

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Jaggers is Pip’s guardian , Miss Havisham’s lawyer . Jaggers’ role is central to the plot , it is he who brings Pip the news of his expectations and manages Pip’s life , he is the only person who knows the true source of those expectations , he is the only person who knows Estella’s true parentage , he proves to have been an agent in events years before the action of the novel begins and thus to have played a central part in creating the situation that gradually unfolds through the action of the novel. His significance lies in his relationship to a number of themes , he is a keeper of secrets and holds the key to most of the novel’s mysteries , he enjoys the knowledge, power and control of others that his position brings him , he appears to be detached, harsh, cruel and even unfeeling, and embodies some of the novel’s moral issues , he stands at an oblique angle to domestic life, as can be seen in the description of his own home , he has a more human side, suggested by his rescue of Estella and his defence of her mother , he is a skilful if unscrupulous lawyer, central to the novel’s concern with the machinery of the law, crime and punishment.

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Orlick was one of Joe’s blacksmith labourers who is stupid but very jealous of others and hurts them simply for his own pleasure.Orlick appears in the novel very infrequently, but he plays an important and sometimes unexpected role in the plot , he appears early on as a worker in the forge , dissatisfied with his treatment and resentful of what he sees as Pip’s more favoured treatment , he becomes a servant at Satis House but Pip gets him sacked , he displays an unwelcome sexual or romantic interest in Biddy , he attacks Mrs. Joe, thus ...

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