The Charge of The Light Brigade

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Luke Garner     10Pd    English    Mr Dorefeyev

The Charge of the Light Brigade

In the second stanza the officer orders the Light Brigade to start moving forward and attacking, the order is “Forward, the Light Brigade!” This begins to show the loyalty and courage of the soldiers as they realise that some had blundered.

“Was there a man dimay’d?

Not tho’ the soldier knew

Someone had blunder’d”

The author excites the pathos in the stanza by using this. This is because the reader realises that someone has blundered and feels sorry for the soldiers, as they can’t do anything about it. Tennyson clarifies that they are power less by saying.

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“Their’s not to make reply,

Their’s not to reason why,

Their’s but to do or die.”

This creates sadness with in the reader but it also makes the reader proud of the soldiers and it makes the reader realise the soldier’s courage and bravery. Also the quote above is meant to be said quickly as there is more words on each line which speeds the way it is read up. It also is repetitive, “Their’s not”, both of these enhance the readers view on the soldiers as it sticks in the readers mind which therefore ...

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