The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play set in Salem Massachusetts in the year 1692 when a witch hunting frenzy swept over eerie town like a plague of locusts on crops of land. The Crucible is based on real historical records, it focuses on the madness that possessed the small village, which eventually caused many innocent lives of Salem villagers to be tried and hung for crimes they were accused of but did not commit.

All this madness began when a group of teenage girls were caught secretly dancing in the woods which was known as the Devils Forest. A simple misunderstanding soon became an uncontrollable disaster leading to false accusations and unnecessary deaths. Despite being set in the 17th centaury, Arthur Miller compares the harsh times in Salem with the uncontrollable madness of McCarthyism which was happening around the time he was wrote The Crucible. The idea of people being wrongly accused and suspected of communism is somewhat heavily reflected in the play itself. My essay will concentrate more on the first few acts of the play and weather its actually sets the scene and felling of a corrupt small town where the belief of witch craft is everywhere.

  I agree that Arthur Miller engaged the audience to a large extent, and he also manages to get across a historical story at the same time and prove a point. I also believe that through extensive character detail he has made it possible for us to understand exactly how the different characters are feeling, and why they behave the way they do. Arthur Miller also makes the reader feel that they are a part of the story by amplifying our own faults through the characters, as in the case of Abigail Williams using the whole situation to her advantage, by manipulating the court, making everyone believe that she could see spirits and all the while she was getting innocent people hung just because she didn’t like them, just because she was the one to blame for all the mayhem in Salem and also to get back at John Proctor. She wanted John but he didn’t want her, he was married and had 2 children, even though Abigail and John had an affair it was in the past and John wanted to make sure it stayed there. Even though John had already said no Abigail didn’t give up, she accused more and more innocent people to get to her goal which was John Proctor.

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Throughout the play the contrast between light and dark is a prominent feature. In the footnote at the begging of act one Miller has used the image of light "There is a narrow window at the left. Through it's leaded pains the morning sunlight streams. This symbolizes that everything is good and well nothing bad is happening. Light in the play shows goodness and hope. As the story unfolds the atmosphere and feeling of the play become darker, like there is something bad coming even the scenery becomes dark. Dark symbolizes that there is bad things happening.

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