The Crucible Response

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The Crucible Response

Map of the Play

The play opens with the girls of the village dancing in the forest whilst Tituba performs a ritual to help get the girls the husbands that they want. Abi drinks chicken blood.

The other girls scream and Abi’s uncle, Reverend Parris, bursts out of the bushes. The girls run away and his daughter Betty collapses.

Reverend Parris prays at Betty’s bedside and calls for Reverend Hale, an expert on witchcraft, when she still hasn’t woken the next day.

The Reverend interrogates Abi, who blames Tituba. Tituba eventually bows into pressure and admits to witchcraft.

Betty wakes up and along with Tituba and Abi, accuses the other girls of the village of witchcraft.

John Proctor ends his affair with Abi (who swears revenge) and then frames Goody Proctor who is arrested and taken to jail.

Farmer Giles Corey is tried by the girls for witchcraft when their ulterior motive is to steal his land.

John Proctor attempts to get Mary Warren to prove Goody Proctor’s innocence but Abi and the girls bully her into lying for them again.

Farmer Giles Corey is pressed to death for refusing to plead.

John proctor sacrifices himself to save his children’s name after he refuses to sign a public notice of his guilty plead.

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The others are hung for not pleading.

Explain the process of small and large class freeze frame activities

To begin with, we were separated into small groups of 5 and in those groups we were asked to discuss the 5 most important scenes in the play “The Crucible”. My group decided that the opening scene, in which girls of the village participate in ancient rituals with Tituba the slave, was the most important scene of the play. We believed this because the whole events of the play were caused by this one scene. Had the girls ...

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