The crucible; What are Proctor and Abigail's experiences to the hangings being in their lives, and how does each respond to it?

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The Crucible

What are Proctor and Abigail’s experiences to the hangings being in their lives, and how does each respond to it


The hangings started in Salem as a result of many different consequences in Salem. Firstly the people very inspired to ‘Purge out the unholy’, because officials made them believe they were the elect of God chosen to fight Satan here. Because of this the people always acted upright, and they were very superstitious. Furthermore some of the townsfolk who were greedy, and tried to get the lands that were not theirs, like Mr Putman always viewed everyone else with great suspicion, and people like him tried to take land any way they could. From all of this the hangings started, because a group of girls were found dancing in the woods, because of the jealousy and all of the superstition, the townsfolk believed that the girls were practicing witchcraft. As a result reverend Hale was summoned to see if there really was any sign of witchcraft.

When witchcraft was confirmed two characters emerged, and stood out against each other, as If they were opposites. These were Proctor and Abigail, Proctor tried to use the truth to stop the hangings, but Abigail tried to manipulate them into her favour by lying. Because of this I will now analyse their responses to the hangings.

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The hangings appear first in Abigail’s life, for she is one of the first accused of witchcraft, as soon as she is accused she blames Tituba for everything ‘She made me do it, she made Betty do it, she made me drink blood’. From this all blame and attention was directly turned to Tituba, when Tituba lies to safe her life from being whipped to death by Parris ‘I will whip you to death’ Abigail straight away understands that she can get out of the situation by lying also, and so she lies to Parris and all the people ...

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