The Crucible - Write two diary extracts- one from the point of view of Abigail, one from Proctor's point of view.

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                              The Crucible

Write two diary extracts- one from the point of view of Abigail, one from Proctor’s point of view.


Dear diary,

        The other night the other girls and I went out to the woods with Tituba. We were dancing to Tituba’s song. I should not really be telling you this but I drank a blood charm and Mercy was dancing naked also. Parris saw us in the woods. When we saw him, we all ran away. We forgot about the kettle in the grass. He didn’t know that I had drunk blood and I made sure that the girls would not say anything more than that we danced. The charm was to kill Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth. She’s a lying, cold, snivelling woman. Proctor is the love of my life. He could have so much better than her-he could have me!

        I heard that Betty was lying still and she would not wake up, I was worried at first but when I went to see her I realised it was just an act to get her out of trouble for dancing. She’s young and very worried. I shook her and frightened her and then she woke up. I told her that her Papa knew about the dancing- that I had told him. She mentioned the charm, I was worried. I still am worried that somebody might find out. I threatened the girls. I know they won’t disobey ME. They’re young and feeble. If anyone spills, I’ll get them in the black of the night!

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        Uncle was interrogating me about it all day. He was accusing me of witchcraft. He asked me if I had cast spells. I blamed it all on Tituba. Tituba cast all the spells-we couldn’t have cast spells without her! It’s all her fault, but deep down I know it isn’t her fault. I could’ve stopped it. I didn’t have to cast spells but I wanted to. I swore blind and told him I did nothing but dance. I didn’t want to lie, but if anyone found out that I had cast spells I’d be in serious trouble. The only punishment ...

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