The Day My Life Stopped

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The Day My Life Stopped

        “Oi you muffin what are you doing?” shouted Laura, as she watched Jason, her boyfriend, doing stupid things, after watching Jackass.

“I’m gunna set my hand alight, I know what you’re gunna say, but I want to do it, I’ve never done it before so might as well” Laura wasn’t happy with Jason, but she just sat there and watch him make a fool out of himself. Once Jason had finished messing around, he went and sat next to Laura and apologised.

        At ten o’clock Jason had to go, so he said goodnight to Laura and left. Laura got a phone call, from her mum, saying that she wants her home soon, as it’s getting late, and that she needs to talk to her, no emergency, just need to talk. Laura got a little worried, as her mum never usually rings, unless something is wrong, so Laura said goodnight to everyone and went straight home.

“Mum, what’s up?” Laura said nervously

“Nothing, why?”

“You said you needed to talk to me, so what’s wrong?”

“Well, I have some good news, and I think you’ll be happy about it too” Laura’s mum replied

“Okay mum, but what is it?” Laura rushed anxiously.

“We’re moving to Spain”

“What? When? Why?” Laura squealed

“Well dad has got a new job, and he needs to be out there to be able to do it, we get to move next month, isn’t it great?”

“What? I mean what about my coursework?”

“You can keep up can’t you?”

“No I’ll miss so much” Laura said, as she was almost in tears

“Well Laura all I can say is it’s much better for us out there; we’ll have more stability and to be honest we’ll be better off financially. Come on just think about it.”

Laura ran upstairs and phoned Jason. While she was talking to him, she burst into tears. When she finally told him the news, he wasn’t happy but he wasn’t unhappy with her, he was just upset and a little angry, he didn’t know what to do about their relationship, so he told her he would speak to her in the morning at school.

        Laura went to bed, dreading going to school the next morning, she kept having horrid thoughts about what was going to be said or done.

        Morning came; Laura got up and dressed for school, then left. When she got to off the bus, she saw Jason waiting for her, she began walking slowly. As her heart pounded against her chest, she started breathing heavily. She closed her eyes, and she could feel herself about to burst into tears. She held it in, took one last breath and hugged Jason.

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“Come on lets go somewhere a little quieter.” said Jason, with a quiver in his voice. They reached a deserted bench and began talking:-

“Look babes, I’m not going to drag this out, I really think we should break up, it isn’t fair on you. I mean to have to think about a relationship, as well as moving, over seas. I am sorry, but I need to know how you feel, I know it’s sudden, but I think it’s for the best.” Jason said

“Well I can see why you’re saying that, but how can you just throw away two ...

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