The Diary of Katya Abelsky American soldier in WWI

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The Diary of Katya Abelsky

American soldier in WWI


Per. 7


My involvement in the war has lasted about 3 months now. This life is far from what I imagined it to be. Back at home it was common to believe that anything endured during the war would be worth it in the end, but I'm not so sure anymore. My experiences out here have erased any remnants of that idealistic thinking.

As I lay down to sleep, the only thoughts in my mind are those of fear. I fear the following hours as I know what they will bring: the trenches.

Time spent in the trenches is far worse than anything I have ever been through.


I never expected war life to be extravagant or even comfortable, but I did however expect the “basics” among them food.

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Yes, we do have food, but the food we have is  barely edible. Our large, french cook, Alexander Fantozzi, is a failure when it comes to the culinary arts. We have biscuits that resemble rocks far more than they do bread. On  occasion we are granted the gift of meat or cheese. Although the portions are not large, they are appreciated all the same.

However, the presence of dead bodies always surround us. Somehow I feel as though their essence remains on every bite I take.

Katya Abelsky


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