The Dramatic Effectiveness of Act 3 Scene 4 - The Banquet Scene

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The Dramatic Effectiveness of Act 3 Scene 4

The Banquet Scene

Dramatic effectiveness is the writer's use of technique in their writing in order for the audience watching a production to have a greater experience through occurrences on the stage. Through dramatic effectiveness a writer can create brilliant atmosphere and depth to their work. This dramatic effectiveness is thickly portrayed in the play Macbeth where Shakespeare uses the technique skilfully in order to create extremely tense and frustrating scenes for the audience, which heightens the atmosphere for the viewer.

Act 3 Scene 4 starts extremely tensely and the audience is immediately thrown into the drama and excitement. Macbeth holds a banquet in celebration of his coronation as King of Scotland. Macbeth is polite to his guests and is very cool, in this way he deceives them and hides the wickedness he broods as he welcomes them humbly,

'You know your own degrees, sit down;

at first and last, the hearty welcome'

withholding from them the truth about Banquo's disappearance and his absence from the banquet. Macbeth's wife then greets the guests in an equally humble and welcoming manor, which build up tension and irony. It is Shakespeare's use of dramatic irony, which makes this so tense for the audience.
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The first murderer enters covered in blood from his previous doings in the last scene, at this point the whole audience knows what has happened; yet Macbeth is still in the dark about the outcome of the murder and is anxious to find out the result. The murderer enters enveloped in Banquo's blood in the middle of a banquet and to a viewer this is very tense as at any moment it feels that the Lords would become suspect about Banquo's disappearance and Macbeth's guilt. The murderer's hand's are covered in blood which is symbolic as blood is ...

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