The function and affect of the endings of Lord Of The Flies and Pollock And The Porroh Man

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The function and affect of the endings of Lord Of The Flies and Pollock And The Porroh Man

In both Lord of the flies and Pollock and the Porroh man the endings both leave un-answered questions with fairly obvious answers in Pollock and the Porroh man but they are not so clear in Lord of the flies.

        In both stories there are huge similarities in themes but set in a completely different context, in both stories there is a large referral to evil in humans but how we cant see it. The fact that some people can’t see it is the reason they end up killing others or themselves, unfortunately for others like Simon in Lord of the lies knowing and being enlightened about the evil has the same affect as not knowing. He was seen as an outsider and was killed because of it. Pollock sent himself insane not knowing that the evil was in him not after him. “His more vivid and terrible”

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        Even though Pollock dies it is seen as an escape from his fears and bad dreams. In the Lord of the flies they are actually rescued this is an escape for the boys especially Ralph, although both have escaped from there initial fears where have they escaped to, Ralph and the boys have escaped in to a war which is probably if not defiantly worse than the island. Pollock has escaped in to death but is death better than living in fear, plus what will lie in wait for him in death will his old sins be lying in wait ...

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