The Glass Menagerie - Discuss the symbolism used in Scene Five.

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The Glass Menagerie

Discuss the Symbolism used in Scene Five

Before I look into the symbolism used in scene five of the Glass Menagerie I have to look at the actual name of the play “The Glass Menagerie”. Tennessee Williams has used this choice of title to show how delicate and fragile Laura is in this play. She cares for these glass animals and polishes them with great care, protecting them from dangers that don’t necessarily exist in the Wingfield household. This is also how Laura’s mother Amanda acts towards her only daughter who is terribly shy, withdrawn from the outside world and also crippled which Amanda chooses to ignore.

        Williams set this play in a poor quarter of St Louis in the 1930s, a time of great change in more ways than on. In Spain Guernica was bombed by the Germans in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, this created a lot of unrest between governments of the world. There was a lot of uncertainty about everyone’s future. Also the 2nd World War was immanent and in everyone’s minds.

        Tennessee Williams use of names to symbolise certain things is done in an interesting and clever way. The Wingfields apartment block is opposite the “Paradise Dance Hall”; the use of the word paradise triggers of lots of thoughts in my mind, one of these is the biblical reference to the Garden of Eden. God created a perfect place for Adam and Eve to live but Eve persuaded Adam to take liberties and were banished from their perfect world. The people attending the dance hall have no cares in the world; this is far from reality as I stated before. There is a loss of innocence about to take hold of the innocent American nation that no one can expect or plan for.

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        This Symbolism also shows how Amanda feels, her optimism about finding her young inexperienced daughter a husband to care for both Amanda and Laura. Since Amanda doesn’t accept the reality of her situation its like she is living in a fools paradise. She ignores the fact that her daughter doesn’t have the correct social skills to entertain gentlemen callers, as she is very reclusive and terrified of the opposite sex and also that Laura is crippled, Amanda must realise the more she ignores the fact it wont just disappear. Tom tries to point this out to Amanda and she doesn’t ...

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