"The great failure of Othello is that Desdemona and Emilia are too weak and easily deceived to be convincing" How far do you agree with this criticism of the play?

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“The great failure of Othello is that Desdemona and Emilia are too weak and easily deceived to be convincing” How far do you agree with this criticism of the play?

        The character’s of Desdemona and Emilia are very different in the play Othello, but are treated in similar ways because of the fact that they are women. During the 17th century, which is when the play was written and set, women were clearly seen as the weaker sex, and so their views and judgements were not as respected as those given by a man. Iago continually deceives the both of the female characters throughout the play, and so some critics have come to the conclusion that their characters are unrealistic. But as many of the other characters in the play also suffered from this, it is difficult to agree that this poor judge of character could be strewed as unconvincing.

        Shakespeare was writing his play to a Jacobean audience, and so his characters, although do represent normal people, are taken to an extreme level. He introduces the audience to three different types of women: the honest, beautiful, witty and dearly devoted wife, the shrewd but helpful maid and the socially unacceptable prostitute.  Iago is Emilia’s husband, so she should have been aware of his true intentions to destroy Othello. This is a great criticism in the character of Emilia, as she witnesses many of the events that occurred, but is unable to put the pieces together until it is too late. The marriage between Iago and Emilia is clearly not as close and loving as Othello and Desdemona’s was, and so could explain the lack of information about Iago’s motives that she received. This could also strengthen the validity of the characters, especially Emilia, for not all marriages were as blissfully happy as Desdemona and Othello’s, and so portrays the other side to society. Therefore the character’s are not entirely drawn from life, for it is unlikely that many people could claim they are as noble as Desdemona, who continues to defend her husband’s name even after he has tarnished her own.

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        Emilia is obviously an intelligent woman, as she is the only one who is able to realise that it is Iago who is to blame for all of the problems that have occurred. She does suspect Iago of not being honest when she gives him the handkerchief asking him: “what will you do with’t, that you have been so earnest to have me flinch it?” Emilia does not attempt to go any further with her questioning, and so instead of going with her instincts she chooses to believe in her husband, and forget about it. It is also Emilia who ...

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