The Great Gatsby - 'Fitzgerald informs the reader too often of her charm without providing her with substance as a thinking, sentient woman. How far do you agree with this view of Daisy?'

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The Great Gatsby Coursework Assignment 2 ‘Fitzgerald informs the reader too often of her charm without providing her with substance as a thinking, sentient woman. How far do you agree with this view of Daisy?’ In ‘The Great Gatsby’, Daisy is presented as quite a snobbish person. She is portrayed as the type of person who is only interested in wealth. She is judgemental and superficial to view the essence of other people, in the way that she isn’t concerned with how much wealth people have, but where they acquired it from. Throughout the novel, Daisy is generally presented through other characters and so she might be portrayed in a false manner. These particular characters are Jordan baker who describes Daisy as a past character, Jay Gatsby who describes her in a probable superficial way as he is in love with Daisy but is in a dream world as he can’t have her, and lastly Nick who is Daisy’s second cousin, this could be the most reliable source of information about her. Gatsby presents Daisy in the most charming way. He is in love or thinks he is in love with Daisy and speaks of her in an eloquent way. Gatsby immediately fell in love with Daisy’s aura of luxury, grace and charm and lied to her about his own background in order to convince her that he was good enough for her. This was in 1917 just before Gatsby left to fight in World War One. Daisy promised to wait for him, but married Tom Buchanan instead. The whole novel is based on the way Gatsby dedicates himself to winning Daisy back. His purchase of a gaudy mansion on West Egg and his lavish weekly parties are all merely means to that end. Gatsby invests Daisy with an idealistic perfection that she can’t
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possibly attain in real life and pursues her with a passionate zeal that blinds him to her limitations. His dream of her disintegrates which reveals the corruption wealth causes and unworthiness of the goal. This is also the way in which Fitzgerald sees the American dream crumbling in the 1920s. Gatsby first meets Daisy in the novel in chapter five. Before this event the story of their relationship exists only in prospect. “ A pause; it endured horribly” “Sat down, rigidly, his elbow on the arm of the sofa and his chin in his hand.” The moment seems awkward. Gatsby ...

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