The hawk, which is the main focus or center of Ted Hughess Hawk Roosting, embodies both characteristics of man and nature, demonstrating how the two intertwine

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Hawk Roosting- Man Vs. Nature

The hawk, which is the main focus or center of Ted Hughes’s Hawk Roosting, embodies both characteristics of man and nature, demonstrating how the two intertwine.  Thus, there is a clear theme of man versus nature. In terms of its characteristics of man, or anthropomorphic features, the hawk symbolizes more of the negative behavior of man, such as power and how too much of it results in a lack of reasoning, ignorance and arrogance. With respects to its embodiment of nature, that hawk represents nature’s voice and thoughts.

The fact that the poem is narrated from a bird itself is evidence of the poet’s use of anthropomorphism and personification, as a hawk is non-human and cannot narrate. The word choices of “manners”, “feet” and “arguments” are human components, which further draws the link between the hawk and man. The opening line of the poem itself sets the theme, as the hawk appears to be resting (“roosting”) and is at a high position, “the top of the wood”. Hughes uses words such as “convenience”, “allotment” and “buoyancy”, which represent the ease of savagery and the hawk’s (man’s) self-centered attitude, which comes with the power that it personifies.

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A clear connection to humanity can be demonstrated by dictatorship, particularly fascism. Often dictators are “roosting” when they come to their position of ultimate power and superiority, as well as biting the hands that feed them. In the poem, this abuse of power is especially evident in the third stanza. This demonstrates the separation from God (“Creation”) and nature, as well as how man (dictators) often forget how they got to their position of power, which is mostly because of their people.

“Now I hold Creation in my foot,” shows that man is now superior to God and anything else ...

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