'The Horses' by Edwin Muir and 'The Early Purges' by Seamus Heaney both have an animal related theme.

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Compare two or three poems

with an animal theme

-write about meaning

structure and


‘The Horses’ by Edwin Muir and ‘The Early Purges’ by Seamus Heaney both have an animal related theme.

  In my own opinion I think that 'The Horses' is trying to tell us that there has been a war between technology and the natural resources, but all of the technology has been wiped out. It tells us this in the second line ‘The seven day war that put the world to sleep’. ‘The tractors lie about our fields’ and ‘We leave them where they are and let them rust’ indicate that we no longer use tractors and other farm machinery.

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  My interpretation of 'The Early Purges' however is different. I think that life on a farm is totally different to life in the town. I know this because, in the poem it says that ‘Prevention of cruelty talk cuts ice in town’ and ‘Where they consider death unnatural’ proves that they dislike things being killed, which is what the poem is about. 'The Horses' has a complex language as it’s written in all three tenses past, present and future to reflect the situation in the poem. In the past we learn about ‘The seven days war that put the ...

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