"The influence of Lady Macbeth on her husband"

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“The influence of Lady Macbeth on her husband”

Macbeth’s success and downfall are as a result of all four factors. All must now be analysed in order to decide on the extent of Lady Macbeth’s influence on Macbeth.

                Lady Macbeth appears to be the biggest influence and nearly as soon as she appears on stage she manipulates Macbeth by calling him a coward in Act 1 Scene 7. She keeps on manipulating him because Macbeth was backing down on killing Duncan, she is testing his masculinity. Lady Macbeth attacks his sense of Masculinity, in one way to persuade him. He is known as a brave Warrior of Scotland, as it shows in the captain’s description in the 1st scene “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel”. She also tries using emotive language “I have given suck and know how tender tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn”. Lady Macbeth is becoming more masculine and ruthless. Lady Macbeth influences him most throughout Act 1 and 2 – the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth plays on his guilt and on their relationship by saying she would never break a promise to him as this is proven in the speech of smashing the babies brains. Lady Macbeth is Evil, Intelligent, domineering, cold, callous, power hungry, selfish, (role reverse) and Ambitious. We can see all of this in her Language by her use of rhyming cuplets, for example, at the end of Act 1 Scene 5 “Only look up clear; To alter favour ever is to fear”, she talks in rhyming cuplets just like the witches did which is a sign of evil. There seems to be a role reversal between husband and wife. For instance if we look at her dramatic entrance near the end of Act 1 – Macbeth has decided against killing Duncan but in walks Lady Macbeth to manipulate and influence him into killing Duncan which shows that it is perfect timing. Women in Shakespeare time would have had little or no authority, a man was the head of the household. Although showing to Macbeth that she is very masculine and strong in Act 2 scene 2 she says a staccato speech which is full of broken sentences and shows irony that earlier she said that she would kill her own child smashing its brains on the floor and orders, tauts and manipulates Macbeth yet she would not be capable of such events behind his backs, she’s panicking near Duncan’s room “Alacle, I am afraid they have awaked, and ‘tis not done; th’attempt and not the deed confounds us-hark-I laid their daggers ready, he could not miss ‘em. Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. My husband?”

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                   Lady Macbeth is also a very good actor because when she hears the news of Duncan in front of Banquo, Lennox, Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm and Donalbain Lady Macbeth-“help me hence tho” she faints when she hears the news of Duncans death, which occurs Act 2 scene 3.

                   Although she has a huge influence on Macbeth at this time it fades by Act 3, Macbeth behaved before the killing of Duncan. In Act 3 scene 2 he calls on the evil spirits just ...

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