The life of a woman as portrayed in the Arthurian romance legend The Mists of Avalon was harsh, full of sacrifices and complicated.

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The life of a woman as portrayed in the Arthurian romance legend The Mists of Avalon was harsh, full of sacrifices and complicated. The lead female character, Morgaine is a good example of this as she underwent, what to me, was the harshest experiences in all the movie. Her life contained complications between religion and politics, different men that she loved, and her country and her elders.

At a young age, Morgaine is sent from her half-brother Arthur, and her mother Igraine, both of  whom she loves, to live in Avalon with her Aunt Viviane, Lady of the Lake. In a tragic story filled with magical abilities and shifting love interests, Morgaine begins her training in the ways of Avalon. She works for years to master the elements and become as powerful as Viviane, giving up a childhood that could have been spent with Arthur and Igraine, so that when Viviane dies Morgaine will be able to take over as Lady of the Lake. When she has grown and passed the test of parting the mists of Avalon, Morgaine meets Viviane’s son Lancelot and instantly becomes infatuated and believes herself to be in love with him. Unfortunately he never returns her feelings throughout the whole sad tale and instead falls in love with a maiden from Glastonbury named Gwenhwyfar. Morgaine must deal with her first heartache from Lancelot, but there will be more heartache in the future when other men and women put their political ambitions ahead of her heart and her needs.

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The first true sacrifice occurs when Viviane betrays Morgaine by compromising the young maiden of Avalon’s personal morals. Viviane sets the stage for  Morgaine and her half-brother Arthur to participate in a carnal festival celebrating sex (Feast of Beltane) with each other. Viviane explains her actions that a sacrifice was needed for the sake of preserving Avalon and it’s religion. In the end, however, not only was Avalon adversely affected by Viviane’s actions, but so were the politics of Camelot.

As a result of this sexual encounter, Morgaine gave birth to Mordred, the bastard child of King Arthur. Her ...

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