The Locked Door (short story)

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The Locked Door

There was a door that I had never gone in. It stood out in the middle of a forest, a strange place for a door. It stood straight up and seemed to have no supports, it seemed magic almost that it could be there. When I first saw it there was a child going in. A little girl I think, not very old. Perhaps about 6 years old. I ran along and when I got there the door was shut. There was no lock on the door; therefore, I took it that it would have to be open. Grabbing the knob I twisted it and pulled. It wouldn’t open, this was impossible!

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Except … that child I had seen could be holding the door shut from the inside, I pulled harder. The harder I pulled, the harder it became to pull. Suddenly I realized there was a lock on the door. I must not have noticed it before. That was all, now all I had to do was find the key. Oops, it’s time for dinner.

Running back home, I thought about the door, for some reason I couldn’t get it out of my mind. All evening I thought about it, I was sure that the lock hadn’t been there before! ...

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