The Merchant of Venice

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The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a play full of different relationships ranging from love and friendships to hate. These relationships are affected by gossips and rumours, which due to the close community are flying around all the time. Money is involved in everything in the play; it is at the centre of work, relationships and rumours. It also holds together and makes the main tension of the play.

        There are many relationships in The Merchant of Venice. The most common one is friendship. The friendships cross sex, age, race, and class boundaries. And range from very strong ones such as between Antonio and Bassanio to mere acquantancies such as the one between Solanio and Antonio.

        There are many friendships, which link all of the characters together. The one between Bassanio and Antonio is the most obvious, and you feel that they are so close, they could be brothers. This is how Antonio was described when Bassanio left to find Portia.

“And even there, his eye being big with tears, turning his face he put his hand behind him”

But even in such a close relationship, money is still involved, as Antonio lends money to Bassanio, which has to be paid back. Another friendship is the one between Solanio and Solerio, they are very useful characters, because they are gossips and so can keep us informed on what is happening. Generally there is a quite tight knit community within the Christians, and they have a rivalry with the Jewish community who are also quite close to each other. Two specific friends within the Jewish community are: Tubal and Shylock – Tubal comforts and tells the truth to Shylock when everyone else is laughing at him, or spreading rumours about him.

        “I thank you good Tubal, good news, good news! Ha ha, heard in Genoa?”

Here Shylock shows his appreciation for Tubals’ more comforting words. This shows that they also have a close friendship and value each other highly. There are many less close, or less significant friendships I haven’t mentioned, but they still give the play life, so can’t be dismissed.

        As well as friendships, there is of course the most obvious relationship, which is the deep-rooted hate that Antonio and Shylock have for each other. It is clear throughout the play, and it is important that we see the reasons they are enemies.

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Firstly Antonio lends money without interest, because he makes his money other ways, but Shylock makes most of his money though money lending with interest. So Shylock loses most of his customers to Antonio and therefore his profit. We know this annoys him when he says,

        “I hate him… for that he lends out money gratis and brings down the rate of usance here with us in Venice.”

Shylock says that Antonio looks down on him and insults and spits at him. Finally, and this is the root cause, Antonio hates Shylock because he is a Jew and Shylock hates ...

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