The merchant of VeniceWhy is the trail scene so important and how would you bring the drama and tension if you were a director?

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Abdulaziz Omar 10ED                                                              The Merchant of Venice

                                                                                   The merchant of Venice

Why is the trail scene so important and how would you bring the drama and tension if you were a director?


The merchant of Venice is about a merchant who borrows a loan to help a friend who wants to go to Belmont to Marie a woman called Portia. The person who borrows a loan is a merchant name (Antonio), and Antonio goes and gets the loan off a Jew name (Shylock). After Antonio borrows the loan, Antonio sign a bond saying that if in three month Antonio ships don’t return, shylock would have his pond of flesh. But Antonio feel and he is taker to court. Final the court has end and he redeems himself.

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The trail would be held at the Supreme Court in Venice. If I were to design the set in order to show it was taking place in such a building. I would have a duke with some jury’s. The props I would use would be in olden days, the pen they would have use is father and ink. The table would court would be centre in the middle of the court to show the procession be held. The duke is a world famous figure; I would direct his entrance by making the people in the court stand up as the duke enters the court room. And I’ll make the people also be silence as the duke enters in. and as the duke; the court he with be escorted with his armed officer one on his left and other on his right. As shylock enters he is the odd one out, because everyone in the court is Christian and shylock is the only Jew in the court. As the director, I would show shylock emotion through the use of body language by walking up and down smiling in the court. A court full of Christian as shylock enters the court room. The Christian would react to him by throwing paper balls; boo win him calling him name and all sort of bad stuff. And why, because the room is full of Christians and shylock is the only Jew there. In Venice Jews are hated because there’s Anti-Semitism show in Venice. Shylock is the subject to abuse is it state that in Act 3 Sense 1, ‘’ laughed at my loses mocked my nations, thwarted my bargains cooled my friends and heated mine enemies: and what reason? I am a Jew.

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‘’ let him stand before our face’’- against is the duke is a prejudice man who only has care for Christian. In the first few lines of the duke; we can realise that he has no sympathy towards shylock because he is a Jew. When addressing Antonio the duke refers to as ‘’ what is Antonio here’’, however he refers to shylock as the Jew ‘’ go on and call the Jew’’. We can see in these lines prejudice and Anti-Semitism views. The duke doesn’t see shylock as worthily of having a name and just calls ...

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