the midnight betrayal

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Azeem Shaukat        Page         13/04/2008

English Creative Story Coursework

The Midnight Betrayal

“I’m looking for my brother,” whispered George.

“You’re lucky you came in time, because he’s going to get moved to the Berlin camp facility next week!” Fernando whispered back.

Both men were sitting in a dark cell. Rusty metal bars were along one side and three dull walls along the other sides. The only sign of freedom was the wind that crept in slowly through the window. The tiny window to the left had railings on it, but these looked newer. Half of George’s face was covered in shadows, and the only feature of his face that was visible were his eyes. His eyes were small and stretched on the edges. You could tell just by his eyes that he was a smart and cunning man. Fernando was tall and of medium build like George. However, Fernando looked more handsome, and more of a gentlemen than George.

Suddenly, Fernando’s complexion loosened and a big smile crept onto his face. His face lit up like a burning stove.

“George Taylor?” Fernando said in a light voice as if he was intoxicated. “Yes… why?” George replied, with a look of curiosity on his face.

“George it’s me… Fernando Anrio!” he burst out in delight.

Georges face lit up as well and they both embraced whilst the strong chill of the wind crept up their necks. They did not feel it because they were in a different world, one of happy memories and joy. These were the only things you could treasure in the empty coldness of the prison walls. As it turned out Fernando was Georges best friends from the good days, when there was peace.

Of the people who would rescue me from sadness, tears and torture he was one of the last people I expected. It had been ten years since me and my only brother George had met with Fernando. After ten years of war, hatred and crimes beyond imagination, the three of us had turned up back together, but in a prison cell. We were in a high security P.O.W facility in Frankfurt. Now that the introduction to my story is over, I will tell you the rest of the story one of loyalty, emotions and betrayal. Although it’s up to you to decide if this story is about the evil kind of betrayal, or the innocent kind of betrayal. Now let us go back to the reunion of my best friend and my brother.

“I can’t believe its you, Fernando: it’s been years since we last met.”

“Yeah, I know George, I can’t believe it my self,”

George sat down and went silent. He then raised his hands to his head as if thinking. His eyes suddenly went bright as a star.

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“Lets escape from this hell, Fernando, let’s get out of here,” George said.

His eyes seemed to contract as if helping Fernando to obey his command.

“But… what about your brother… and my sister?” Fernando whispered back. He was always the more thoughtful of the two as George seemed to jump to conclusions.

“Don’t worry about them, they are going to escape with us as well, but I’m going to need your help… your going to have to be strong… we’re going to do this together, Fernando,” George said in a soft voice.

Fernando smiled back in a comical ...

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