The Moist Air, the Rotting Smell and Above All, the Extreme Darkness.

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The moist air, the rotting smell and above all, the extreme darkness. This place was once a mental hospital. Not only a mental hospital, the most renowned and secure in the country. This prison type building was like a safe, once you were in; it was impossible to get out. As soon as you walk into it, the clean, antibiotic smell hits you like a brick wall. It never leaves you; it stays in your soul.

        I used to work here. I was transferred from a pleasant surgery in London. It was small, quiet and you only got the odd freak. I liked it. Here though, here was totally different. Blood baths were daily occurrences. All of the patients had to wear straight jackets and had steel magnetic boots on that allowed us to monitor where they were in the prison. The noise these boots made was unforgettable. All the time you could hear the loud “clunk, clunk” as the mass-murderers, suicide bombers and international terrorists struggled to lift their heavy feet.

        You may ask why I have then come back to my nightmare? Why have I returned to the place that still haunts me today? Have I come back to see some of my old patients? Well that would be questionable as this place is no longer a mental hospital, it is no longer anything. It was abandoned in 1995 after a disaster that was so terrible, that it was never even mentioned on the news. No one knows what happened except the workers that survived that day.

        May 1st 1995. It was going to be a difficult day, we all knew that. Robert Sykes, convicted of mass-murder in 1986. Twenty-two innocent people lost their lives to this man. He killed them with his bare hands. He was sentenced to life in the secure wing of our hospital. For eleven years he was the king of the place. All the cons worshiped him, no one got on the wrong side of Sykes, no one dared. That day was his funeral, he passed away in his sleep one night mysteriously. No one could explain it, so it was assumed not to be a criminal act.  

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Every one was there, at the funeral. All the cons, all the doctors, physciatrists and even the coroners.  The cons were given special monitored access to the funeral. They were never normally allowed outside. But seeing as a man who played such a pivotal role in their lives died, they were allowed out to see him being put to rest.


It all went smoothly outside. The funeral took place on time and was a very moving ceremony for every one involved. But as the cons were led towards the hospital again, you could ...

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