The play "Macbeth" is renowned for its supernatural occurrences.

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Gareth J. Jeffrey


The play “Macbeth” is renowned for its supernatural occurrences.  Shakespeare included supernatural occurrences in the play to impress King James I as he was fascinated in demonology especially witches.  Shakespeare and his troupe of actors would want to favour with the King to become the ‘king’s men’  

Jacobean people were strong believers in witchcraft and demonology.  At the time witches were believed to have the power to speak with the devil, communicate with the dead, make people fall ill by using spells and potions, kill people from a distance, fly though the air and make themselves invisible.  Because of this the sight of witches on stage would fascinate people but it would also scare them at the same time.  King James I was particularly fascinated by witchcraft as three witches known as the Berwick witches were trialled for worshiping the devil and making an attempt on the king’s life.  During the trial at Holyrood palace one of the three witches named Agnes Samson was referred to by the King as an “Extreme Lyar”.  So proud that she was telling the truth about being a witch and telling the truth at all times that she whispered in the Kings ear the exact words which passed between the King and his Queen at Upslo in Norway on the first night of their marriage.  This had the desired effect, as the King announced “that all the devils in hell could not have known that”. Impressed, the king judged that Agnes should be executed.

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Through out the play the witches are very stereotypical, being malign old withered hags that can vanish into mid-air, create potions, and predict the future. There have been many other interpretations of the witches in different Macbeths for example, one contemporary interpretation is where Macbeth and Banquo are battle heroes returning from service in the Iraq war.  In this production the witches are young women that are aware of their own sexuality    

We are not sure whether it was Macbeth or the witches who make the events happen throughout the play.  The witches may have ...

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