The poem 'To his coy mistress' was written in the seventeenth century by Andrew Marvell.

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To his coy mistress

        The poem ‘To his coy mistress’ was written in the seventeenth century by Andrew Marvell.

        It is a metaphysical poem, which means it’s lyric, contains many striking images, is very intense and uses strong metaphors.

        It is concerned with a young man who is trying to persuade a young woman to have sex with him by charming and rushing her into it because he only has one thing on his mind.

        In the poem he uses three different arguments, flattery, fear and passion to persuade her to his point of view.

        In the first section Andrew Marvell uses flattery, he does this by telling her that if he had all the time in the world he would use it by telling her how beautiful she is and stare into her eyes but he doesn’t have this time and he knows this so he’s using his charm and persuasion to get her to sleep with him, a quote from this first section to support this is,

‘An hundred years should go to praise

Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze

Two hundred to adore each breast

But thirty thousand to the rest’

He also tells her how beautiful she looks by comparing her to exotic, mysterious and different places in the world, he would have used this because countries such as India have only just been discovered at this time and they would have been thought of as new exciting, different, attractive places

‘Thou by Indian Ganges’ side

Shouldst rubies find’

And comparing himself to a boring bridge that’s found in Hull over a dirty river, this is to make her feel special and wanted by this ordinary everyday man,

‘I by the tide

Of Humber would complain’

        The young man also compares his love to lengths of time and great moments in history that are related to the bible, he tells her that he will love her forever until death do they part, also that his love is ever growing and from his soul, to mention the soul was thought of as a great commitment since the soul was thought of as a part of the body just like an organ, to support this

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‘I would

Love you ten years before the Flood,

And you should, if you please, refuse

Till the conversion of the Jew.

My vegetable love should grow

Vaster than empires, and more slow;’

        The language in the first stanza uses assonance such as

‘And the last age should show your heart’

        He also uses alliteration such as:

We would sit down and think which way’


An age at least to every part’

        He uses this in the poem to give it rhythm to engage the reader and make it easier for ...

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