The poems of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes tell the story of lives that have become unendurable. Do you agree?

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The poems of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes tell the story of lives that have become unendurable. Do you agree?

Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes were two of the best poets who ever lived. But a different person has a different view of life and everything. The poems of Hughes express hi view of life and differ very much for the poems of his wife Plath. Most of Hughes’s poems are about violence and death. The poems of Plath have completely different meaning. In poems like “You’re” and “Morning Song” she expresses her feelings about pregnancy. In another great poem “The Applicant” she is a total feminist and is completely against the ideology that the women should be housewives and if they have a job they are not given the same salary like the men. Another crucial point may be that they loved each other so much. Because sometimes this is not very good and it drives people to madness. Maybe at some stage of their marriage they had had enough of each other?

In the poem “The Applicant” Plath writes, “It can sew, it can cook. /It talk talk talk.” This reveals that the view of marriage at this time was that the women should be a housewife and only serve her husband which Plath completely disagreed with. In the 1950s this was the ideology that almost every woman accepted. Plath was probably one of the “victims” of this ideology. The main thing in the ideology which Plath was completely against was the right women to work. At that time Plath wrote this poem she and Hughes were already divorced so she was in desperate need to find a well paid job, which was almost impossible at that time. The poem represents the women as a person who has no rights at all, especially for paid work. Plath used to admire Hughes’s poems and she first fell in love with his poems, then with the men himself. Plath was helping Hughes with his work but she didn’t have a job at that time accept that she was still writing, but Hughes was the one who was winning all the awards. But when it came time for Plath to find a paid job she didn’t succeed in finding one. So that’s why I think she wrote the poem, “The Applicant”. The woman has no other choice but to marry a man and do everything he wants her to, as we can see in the quote, “And do whatever you tell it”. A man doesn’t about his wife and her feelings. He is happy for his wife to do all of the housework and “To bring teacups and roll away headaches.” Plath makes the man look really bad in this poem. At the time Plath wrote the poem, 1962, she found out that Hughes was having an affair with Assia. She was probably very disappointed and angry with him and the men in general. That’s Plath wrote such a feminist poem.

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Plath wrote many poems about motherhood and one of them was the poem “You’re”. In this poem she talks about her pregnancy, which she had ambiguous feelings about.

 Plath’s positive and negative feelings about pregnancy are expressed in the following quote, “Vague as fog and looked for like mail”. This quote promotes the feelings of Plath that at the same time she wants the baby but on the other hand she doesn’t because it is going to force her into more domestic life.

 Plath compares her baby to a fish, because before the baby is born it doesn’t ...

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